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00:00 Dominika's Planet (Dominika's Planet) Argentina Presented by Dominika A visit to Argentina wouldn't be complete without a look at the country's obsession with tango - and be assured, Dominika gets the full treatment. Tango clubs, tango television and tango lessons are everywhere. She also looks at the culture of the gauchos and examines the appeal of this particular lifestyle. She meets a beef connoisseur and finds out that all parts of the cow are eaten in Argentina! Pets feature big too! Not for eating of course but the Argentinians love them almost as much as their families. Dominika joins a mobile dog washing company and attends a dog funeral
00:30 Oceania (Oceania) Indonesia, Philippines & Papua New Guinea We enjoy a close-up of the orangutans of the Kalimantan rainforest in Indonesia. Dependent on the rainforest for their survival we meet the woman who strives for their well-being. Also, the strange and ancient rituals surrounding the rice harvest in Northern Luzon in the Philippines and learn of the dream that saved the Motu people of Papua New Guinea from extinction
01:00 On Tour (On Tour) Rhone Valley - France The Rhone Valley is situated between Lake Geneva and the Ardeche River in France. Off the highways where the masses race to the southern part of the country in an endless stream of traffic lies a landscape which is unrivalled in beauty, diversity and quality of life. It is a paradise for foodlovers, as nowhere else in France are there so many gourmet restaurants as in the Lyon area. On Tour shows us the best of the region, from its medieval towns to the breathtaking landscape and some of the many unique works of art
01:30 The Flavours of Italy (The Flavours of Italy) Genoa The ancient city of Genoa is Italy's most important seaport, with the exclusive Portofino on one side and the Italian Riviera on the other. It was once a powerful maritime republic and the home of Christopher Columbus. We learn how to make the local speciality - a bean soup, and a Ligurian speciality Troffie al Pesto. Also included is a recipe for Rice with Sea Snails - a combination of seafood and vegetables in an envelope of fish skin
02:00 Origins With Burt Wolf (Origins With Burt Wolf) The Bahamas Burt Wolf heads for the beaches of the Bahamas - where Columbus made his first landfall in the New World. Today Nassau, the capital of the Bahamas, is a Caribbean resort famous for its family hotels... romantic retreats... good food... and traditional festivals. Altogether a great spot for a holiday!
02:30 Voyage (Voyage) Kilmore Quay & Boatstrand Dick Warner continues his voyage down and around the east coast of Ireland. The Rinn Voyager, with Dick at the helm departs Kilmore Quay to take part in an RNLI rescue exercise, before dropping into Boatstrand to visit Dick's father and go fishing for shrimp in the local rock pools
03:00 Destinations (Destinations) Kashmir Nestling in the folds of the Himalayas, Kashmir is bordered by Pakistan, China, Tibet and the Indian Union. Legend reads that it was once covered by a lake. Whether true or not water plays a large part in the life of the state, with all trading carried out on flat-bottomed boats called Shikaras. Highlights of our visit include a look at the four marvellous Moghol Gardens, the Mosque of Azralbal and the Kashmir Valley, one of the key routes to the Silk Road
04:00 Of Tales and Travels (Of Tales and Travels) Mandinga & The Dogon Countries, Africa Here's a destination not often seen in the top ten of tourist hot-spots - yet Mandinga in Africa is not as isolated as one might suspect. A fourteenth century Spanish map reveals an age-old contact between the people here and the West. Travellers here will encounter a welcoming people who still hold true to their traditions and beliefs, and much to fascinate with the mosque in Djenne and the astounding River Niger just two of many attractions
05:00 Dominika's Planet (Dominika's Planet) Argentina Presented by Dominika A visit to Argentina wouldn't be complete without a look at the country's obsession with tango - and be assured, Dominika gets the full treatment. Tango clubs, tango television and tango lessons are everywhere. She also looks at the culture of the gauchos and examines the appeal of this particular lifestyle. She meets a beef connoisseur and finds out that all parts of the cow are eaten in Argentina! Pets feature big too! Not for eating of course but the Argentinians love them almost as much as their families. Dominika joins a mobile dog washing company and attends a dog funeral
05:30 Go 2 (Go 2) Hanoi Ten years ago, only twenty thousand visitors a year could visit Vietnam and now the expectation is three million a year and rising. Since America lifted the trade embargo the floodgates have opened wide and Hanoi is changing almost daily. Development is progressing at a dizzying pace and many feel if it is not curbed then the old cityscape of Hanoi will have gone forever. The north of Vietnam was spared most of the ravages of war except perhaps in the minds of the people. However they welcome visitors from abroad and are happy to share the beauty of their country with them
06:00 The Flavours of Italy (The Flavours of Italy) Genoa The ancient city of Genoa is Italy's most important seaport, with the exclusive Portofino on one side and the Italian Riviera on the other. It was once a powerful maritime republic and the home of Christopher Columbus. We learn how to make the local speciality - a bean soup, and a Ligurian speciality Troffie al Pesto. Also included is a recipe for Rice with Sea Snails - a combination of seafood and vegetables in an envelope of fish skin
06:30 Voyage (Voyage) Kilmore Quay & Boatstrand Dick Warner continues his voyage down and around the east coast of Ireland. The Rinn Voyager, with Dick at the helm departs Kilmore Quay to take part in an RNLI rescue exercise, before dropping into Boatstrand to visit Dick's father and go fishing for shrimp in the local rock pools
07:00 Going Places (Going Places) South Africa Going Places takes us to South Africa, the latest hot tourist spot providing a mixture of attractions to suit all tastes. From wildlife safaris to beach holidays, the spectacular scenery and dramatic diversity of South Africa has something to please everyone
08:00 Caprice's Travels (Caprice's Travels) Amsterdam Presented by Caprice Despite the rain, model Caprice finds plenty to do in the city of Amsterdam. There's the Rijks Museum which provides an introduction to Rembrandt, there are the numerous flea and flower markets and of course the canals. You can't visit Amsterdam without thinking of diamonds, at least Caprice can't, so she learns a little about diamond cutting and tries a few rocks on herself. Nightlife includes a visit to one of the city's famous jazz venues and then - there's the Red Light district!
08:30 Holiday Maker (Holiday Maker) Tenerife & Israel When it comes to planning the best holiday ever, there's only one programme with the advice you need. HOLIDAY MAKER! Packed with advice, practical information and the kind of hints and tips you won't get anywhere else
09:00 Of Tales and Travels (Of Tales and Travels) Mandinga & The Dogon Countries, Africa Here's a destination not often seen in the top ten of tourist hot-spots - yet Mandinga in Africa is not as isolated as one might suspect. A fourteenth century Spanish map reveals an age-old contact between the people here and the West. Travellers here will encounter a welcoming people who still hold true to their traditions and beliefs, and much to fascinate with the mosque in Djenne and the astounding River Niger just two of many attractions
10:00 The Flavours of France (The Flavours of France) Marne Marne in the Champagne District is especially famous for its vineyards. The little town of L'Epiney with its churches, monuments and historic buildings is also the home of one of France's finest chefs - Patrick Michelon. We visit his kitchen for recipe tips including how to make a delicious Seafood and Fish Salad
10:30 On Tour (On Tour) Rhone Valley - France The Rhone Valley is situated between Lake Geneva and the Ardeche River in France. Off the highways where the masses race to the southern part of the country in an endless stream of traffic lies a landscape which is unrivalled in beauty, diversity and quality of life. It is a paradise for foodlovers, as nowhere else in France are there so many gourmet restaurants as in the Lyon area. On Tour shows us the best of the region, from its medieval towns to the breathtaking landscape and some of the many unique works of art
11:00 Secrets of India (Secrets of India) The Himalayas (Part 2) In the second part of our journey through the Himalayas, we travel through the Tibetan side to the region of the Dalai Lama's hideaway. Passage through the region is blocked by snow and ice almost all year and this serves to heighten the mystique surrounding the Tibetan culture
11:30 Reel World (Reel World) Cameroon Definitely not on the tourist trail, Cameroon remains a little explored mystery in the heart of Africa. Outside Douala, asphalt roads lead off into what appears to be impenetrable jungle, rivers cut through the wilderness and chess gets played in the village square. Meanwhile life goes on around - a customer looks for palm wine in a restaurant and a family gather round to watch Cameroon play Algeria at football
12:00 Closedown (Closedown)

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