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8:00 Europe Today (Europe Today)
11:00 European Money Wheel (European Money Wheel)
14:00 A Natural Passion Documentary featuring the film-makers who bring the wonders of nature to the television screen.
15:00 Island Life: Hawaii: Paradise in Peril Hosted by actor and long time Hawaiian resident Richard Chamberlain, takes a look at environmental threats to the islands.
16:00 Island Life: Bali: Masterpiece of the Gods Discovering the culture of the Indonesian island of Bali
17:00 Island Life: Galapagos: My Fragile World The Galapagos Island seen through the eyes and the photographic lens of Tui De Roy who, at the age of two, was brought to these enchanted islands to live in a solitary paradise.
18:00 Visions of the Deep (Visions of the Deep) Documentary Directed by Howard Hall Undersea documentary featuring rare footage of a lobster shedding its skin, bat rays mating and blue whales feeding.
18:30 U-boats: Terror on the Shores (U-boats: Terror on the Shores) This programme documents one of Germany's greatest victories in World War II, Operation Drumbeat.
19:00 Vanishing Birds of the Amazon (Vanishing Birds of the Amazon) Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger journey through the rainforests of Peru in search of untamed macaws.
20:00 A Natural Passion Documentary featuring the film-makers who bring the wonders of nature to the television screen.
21:00 Panama: Paradise Found? Mariel Hemingway ventures into Barro Colorado, a magical wildlife preserve, to discover howler monkeys, anteaters and sloths.
22:00 Return to Everest (Return To Everest) Presented by Sir Edmund Hillary Documentary with Sir Edmund Hillary and people who live in the shadow of Everest.
23:00 Predators: Alligator! An investigation into the behaviour of the alligator, and its ability to survive and adapt to the environment.
0:00 Play: The Nature of the Game The significance of play for fledgling and adapting animals.
0:30 The Great Return (The Great Return) A look at the animals facing extinction and the human efforts being made to reintroduce them to their natural habitats.
1:00 In the Footsteps of Crusoe (In the Footsteps of Crusoe) An expedition to Juan Fernandez Island, the real-life location of Robinson Crusoe, to study a species of fur seal.
1:30 Wave Warriors (Wave Warriors) Film following a group of unique sea kayakers who call themselves Tsunami Rangers because of the extreme ocean conditions they tackle. Plus a look at a particular stretch of beach in Hawaii, where the surf hits a steep ledge, creating a perfect tunnel of water as it rolls towards the shore.
2:00 Deep Flight (Deep Flight) The invention of a deep-sea submersible known as Deep Flight.
2:30 Eating Like a Gannet A look at the recent worldwide increase in the gannet population.
3:00 Panama: Paradise Found? Mariel Hemingway ventures into Barro Colorado, a magical wildlife preserve, to discover howler monkeys, anteaters and sloths.
4:00 Return to Everest (Return To Everest) Presented by Sir Edmund Hillary Documentary with Sir Edmund Hillary and people who live in the shadow of Everest.
5:00 Predators: Alligator! An investigation into the behaviour of the alligator, and its ability to survive and adapt to the environment.
6:00 Play: The Nature of the Game The significance of play for fledgling and adapting animals.
6:30 The Great Return (The Great Return) A look at the animals facing extinction and the human efforts being made to reintroduce them to their natural habitats.
7:00 In the Footsteps of Crusoe (In the Footsteps of Crusoe) An expedition to Juan Fernandez Island, the real-life location of Robinson Crusoe, to study a species of fur seal.
7:30 Wave Warriors (Wave Warriors) Film following a group of unique sea kayakers who call themselves Tsunami Rangers because of the extreme ocean conditions they tackle. Plus a look at a particular stretch of beach in Hawaii, where the surf hits a steep ledge, creating a perfect tunnel of water as it rolls towards the shore.

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