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00:00 Go 2 (Go 2) Andalucia Andalucia, the southern most region of Spain almost serves as a gateway to Europe. Its position has turned it into the stomping ground for hordes of invaders over the centuries. This has however left it with a rich cultural legacy and a fascinating history. Go 2 shows us some of the well-known sites of this part of sunny Spain but also introduces some more unusual aspects of the region. Seville, Malaga, Jerez de la Frontera and Arcos de la Frontera are on the itinerary and hghlights include lessons in flamenco dancing and sherry pouring
00:30 Secrets of India (Secrets of India) The Ganges Secrets of India reveals some of the more mystical sides of the Indian continent, from its religious ceremonies to its culture and history. A combination of stunning imagery, beautiful architecture and fascinating facts present a picture of India unknownto many. This programme explores the history of the Ganges River, its significance in the Buddhist journey through life and shows us some of the ceremonies and rituals that take place on, in or around this majestic waterway
01:00 Holiday Maker (Holiday Maker) Corfu & Antigua When it comes to planning the best holiday ever, there's only one programme with the advice you need. HOLIDAY MAKER! Packed with advice, practical information and the kind of hints and tips you won't get anywhere else
01:30 The Food Lovers' Guide to Australia (The Food Lovers' Guide to Australia) Sea Urchins & A Mushroom Medley In Tasmania We meet the Japanese woman who processes sea urchins for the Japanese restaurant market both in Australia and Japan. She persuades us just what a delicacy this is and prepares a wonderful banquet to prove it. We learn some of the secrets of the Country Women's Association afternoon tea - including how to make the true Australian cake - the lamington. And presenter Tony Tan visits Tasmania's Huon Valley to look at the exotic mushrooms grown there - varieties like oyster, shitake and golden straw
02:00 The Flavours of France (The Flavours of France) Dijon One of the more attractive and interesting provincial capitals of France, Dijon is the centre of Burgundy's trade and is well-known for its gingerbread, blackcurrant liqueur and of course the famous Dijon mustard. The programme takes us to a mustard shopand factory and to the Abbey of Citeaux where the monks make a delicious local cheese. Recipes include a dish made with freshwater crayfish and Salmon in Mustard Sauce
02:30 Written in Stone (Written in Stone) Fire And Brimstone This week a pint of the famous Guinness becomes the starting point for a tale of volcanic activity in Ireland, millions of years before the evolution of mankind
03:00 O Canada! (O Canada!) Part 1 Presented by Rolf Harris Raconteur, wit and international traveller Rolf Harris goes walkabout in Canada, India and Australia - countries that were once jewels in the crown for Britain's Queen Victoria. In the first of this fascinating series Rolf Harris travels to Canada, crossing the country by foot, car, and the famous Canadian Pacific Railway, discovering the historical and contemporary issues that shape this enigmatic country
04:00 Sports Safaris (Sports Safaris) Costa Rica Renowned for its extraordinary natural beauty Costa Rica offers a diverse range of sights, from lush tropical rainforests to erupting volcanoes, and all within a day's drive of the capital. On the sporting front, a river rafting trip down the Corobici River offers a rich variety of wildlife both on shore and in the water. Visitors can also take a guided sailing tour around Lake Arenal, or more thrilling still try the Canopy Tour - in which participants hitch themselves to pulley wires and swoop from tree to tree, Tarzan style
04:30 Earthwalkers (Earthwalkers) Bhakatpur, Nepal & Ko Phangan, Thailand Real-life backpackers share their experiences and offer tips on where to go and how to get the most out of a trip to Nepal, Thailand and Australia. This programme features an exciting white water raft ride in one of Australia's most beautiful rainforestsand a visit to the village of Bhakatpur - a living museum of Nepalese art and architecture. Also included is a visit to the island of Ko Phangan in Thailand, where a beach party held every full moon is a magnet for backpackers who like their music loud and fast
05:00 Dream Destinations (Dream Destinations) Scotland - The Royal Scotsman A perhaps unusual dream destination but the Scottish Highlands can take on quite a different perspective when seen through the windows of a luxury train. A five day journey which offers its 32 passengers dining cars, a library car and of course the sleeping car! The passengers find time to hop off for a few excursions on foot too!
05:30 On Tour (On Tour) Texas Texas is the second largest state of the US and for many Americans still signifies the last frontier. However, by now many cowboys have exchanged their horses for pick-up trucks and traded their guns for cellular phones - and the legends of the Lone Starcowboys are a thing of the past. ON TOUR will take you to the prairies and steppes, to JR Ewing's Southfork Ranch backdrop for the "Dallas" TV show, to the Alamo, San Antonio and Dallas, along the golden Gulf Coast with its 600 kilometres of sandy beaches, and following in the footsteps of the daring heroes of American history
06:00 The Food Lovers' Guide to Australia (The Food Lovers' Guide to Australia) Sea Urchins & A Mushroom Medley In Tasmania We meet the Japanese woman who processes sea urchins for the Japanese restaurant market both in Australia and Japan. She persuades us just what a delicacy this is and prepares a wonderful banquet to prove it. We learn some of the secrets of the Country Women's Association afternoon tea - including how to make the true Australian cake - the lamington. And presenter Tony Tan visits Tasmania's Huon Valley to look at the exotic mushrooms grown there - varieties like oyster, shitake and golden straw
06:30 Caprice's Travels (Caprice's Travels) The Abaco Islands Presented by Caprice Caprice heads for the tiny Abaco Islands which form part of the Out Islands of the Bahamas. First stop is the beautiful Green Turtle Bay where she finds a prison the size of a phone box (there's no crime) and a town full of little doll's house style homes. Daytimes are filled with fishing, snorkelling and scuba diving while at night the pace hots up as Caprice joins in the limbo dancing and the celebrations surrounding the Junkanoo. What's a Junkanoo? Watch and find out
07:00 Destinations (Destinations) Zanzibar A wealthy island which gained independence from England in 1963, Zanzibar boasts abundant clove plantations and a robust tourist industry. As with many of the African coastal countries, Zanzibar has variously come under the influence of many invaders, including he Sultan of Oman in the 17th century, Portugal and of course England. We look at the mark these 'guests' have left as well as the many delights the country has to offer the visitor
08:00 From the Orinoco to the Andes (From the Orinoco to the Andes) Dragon Fisher & Volcanoes The team following in the footsteps of German explorer Humboldt have now reached Colombia and are making their way through the valley of the Magdalena River to the capital Bogota, and on to the volcanoes in the central Andes region. En route they encounter people who fish with the aid of dragons, men who continue a tradition of dancing in women's clothes and families who live in houses which stand on stilts in the water. As ever their journey is filled with awe at the unusual floraand fauna, and the amazing insects and animals they see along the way. Climbing the Purace volcano is also a moment to recall
09:00 Dominika's Planet (Dominika's Planet) Argentina Presented by Dominika Dominika investigates the lifestyle of the Argentinian gauchos and examines some of the methods used to break in the horses. Tango clubs, tango television and tango lessons all testify to the ever-popular Argentinian craze for this sexy dance. Dominika learns a few steps and visits one of the best tango clubs. She also investigates the Love Hotels that lie on the outskirts of Buenos Aires and which can be rented by the hour; looks at the Argentinians' obsession with beauty - and their dogs, and finds out that beef isn't just beef in Argentina - they happily eat all parts of the cow!
10:00 Go 2 (Go 2) Andalucia Andalucia, the southern most region of Spain almost serves as a gateway to Europe. Its position has turned it into the stomping ground for hordes of invaders over the centuries. This has however left it with a rich cultural legacy and a fascinating history. Go 2 shows us some of the well-known sites of this part of sunny Spain but also introduces some more unusual aspects of the region. Seville, Malaga, Jerez de la Frontera and Arcos de la Frontera are on the itinerary and hghlights include lessons in flamenco dancing and sherry pouring
10:30 Holiday Maker (Holiday Maker) Corfu & Antigua When it comes to planning the best holiday ever, there's only one programme with the advice you need. HOLIDAY MAKER! Packed with advice, practical information and the kind of hints and tips you won't get anywhere else
11:00 Earthwalkers (Earthwalkers) Bhakatpur, Nepal & Ko Phangan, Thailand Real-life backpackers share their experiences and offer tips on where to go and how to get the most out of a trip to Nepal, Thailand and Australia. This programme features an exciting white water raft ride in one of Australia's most beautiful rainforestsand a visit to the village of Bhakatpur - a living museum of Nepalese art and architecture. Also included is a visit to the island of Ko Phangan in Thailand, where a beach party held every full moon is a magnet for backpackers who like their music loud and fast
11:30 Dream Destinations (Dream Destinations) Scotland - The Royal Scotsman A perhaps unusual dream destination but the Scottish Highlands can take on quite a different perspective when seen through the windows of a luxury train. A five day journey which offers its 32 passengers dining cars, a library car and of course the sleeping car! The passengers find time to hop off for a few excursions on foot too!
12:00 Closedown (Closedown)

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